Monday, June 1, 2015

Nuremberg May 2015

Ehekarussell (Fountain)

St. Elisabethkirche

City Wall

Documentation Center Museum

Documentation Center

Holocaust Memorial at the Documentation Center

Lake Near Nazi Party Rally Grounds

Big Street Used for Nazi Rally Marches

Nazi Party Rally Grounds

Zeppelin Field Grand Stand

Nazi Party Rally Grounds

Nuremberg Trials Memorial

Room 600

Nuremberg Trials Courthouse

St. Lorenz Church

St. Elisabethkirche

St. Elisabethkirche

St. Elisabethkirche

Religious Dancing near St. Elisabethkirche

Wall of Human Rights

Wall of Human Rights

Wall of Human Rights

Germanisches Nationalmuseum

Wall of Human Rights

City Wall

City Wall

St. Lorenz Church

Pegnitz River


Sankt Sebaldus Kirche
